
Reach More, Raise More: Introducing the JustGiving x Le...

Event fundraising is growing in 2024. So far this year, Fundraising Pages on Jus...

Why your charity should leverage running events in 2025

Earlier this year, we asked 6,000 JustGiving fundraisers which activity they pre...

How to Create a London Marathon Event Landing Page on J...

Learn how to bring all your charity's fundraisers and donors together with a Jus...

How to Get Your Charity an Extra £2,000 in London Marat...

Our new London Marathon giveaway is here, and it's a big one. Learn how your fun...

A Call to Courage: Understanding Dreams, Democracy & Eq...

For more than 400 years, America has been designed and driven by dreams and drea...

Share Your Grants Data with Candid to Provide a Complet...

As a partner on the Get on the Map campaign, Philanthropy Southeast works with...

New Titles on the Philanthropy Southeast Lending Library

We’ve recently expanded our Lending Library to include the titles below and mu...

A First Look at the 2022 Annual Meeting

  Today we’re excited to give you a first look at what’s in store for Phil...

Standing With Florida’s People and Communities

Registration for this year’s Annual Meeting is opening this week – and we look f...

Program Officers: Foundations’ Cultural and Strategic M...

The foundation program officer has always had a difficult role. Part gatekeeper,...

Staff Highlight: Maura Toole

For most Philanthropy Southeast interns, the experience marks their first brush ...

Five Georgia Foundations Launch Drawdown Georgia Climat...

In October 2020, the Ray C. Anderson Foundation launched Drawdown Georgia after ...

Southeastern Soundings – Extended Edition (Summer 2022)

Southeastern Soundings, a regular feature of our Inspiration magazine, highlig...

Borrow Books by Annual Meeting Speakers at Our Lending ...

Get ready for Philanthropy Southeast’s 53 rd Annual Meeting with these titles...

Nominations Now Open for the 2022 Truist Promise Award

This year’s Annual Meeting will feature the presentation of the Truist Promise A...

Last Week's Events and What's Next

Last week, we found ourselves in a previously unthinkable position: needing to c...